NG11-2 Phase Ib clinical trial

First patient enrolled in NG11-2 Phase Ib clinical trial

A Phase-1b Dose Escalation Study to Assess the Effect of NG11-2 on Radiation Induced Oral Mucositis (RIOM) in Patients with Head & Neck Cancer

5th April 2023 – VasoDynamics Ltd, the pharmaceutical company developing patient-friendly therapies for the prevention of debilitating side-effects induced by anti-cancer treatments, has today enrolled the first patient in the Phase Ib clinical trial of NG11-2. The study will investigate the safety and preliminary efficacy of NG11-2 mouthwash for reducing or preventing severe Radiation-Induced Oral Mucositis (RIOM), a well-known and debilitating side-effect of radiotherapy on patients undergoing treatment for head & neck cancer. Following approval of the Clinical Trial Application (CTA) in late January this year, VasoDynamics has successfully conducted Investigators Meetings with six NHS oncology hospitals across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The treatment with NG11-2 at the first strength level is expected to start over the coming two weeks.

Dr Ningfeng Fiona Li, CEO of VasoDynamics, said:

“We are thrilled about the enrolment of the first patient from our initiated sites. This represents a key milestone in the progress of our NG11-2 Phase Ib trial. We are looking forward to further patient recruitment into the dose-escalation study over the coming weeks.”

For enquiries, please contact:

Dr Ningfeng Fiona Li, CEO +44 7969132263
Gary Bower, COO +44 7960388412

Notes to Editors:

About VasoDynamics

VasoDynamics is a UK-based pharmaceutical development company focused on improving the standard of cancer care globally.  Recognising the mounting cost pressures facing healthcare payers all over the world, VasoDynamics is developing cost-effective medicines for the prevention and treatment of debilitating and often dose-limiting complications of cancer therapy, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced mucositis, dermatitis and hair-loss.  The company’s proprietary technology platform utilises the different dynamics of normal and cancerous vasculature to achieve the most effective protection of normal tissue during cancer treatment whilst enhancing anti-cancer therapy efficacy.