
The company’s technology is currently
differentiated in three formulation
platforms with several product
pipelines for the protection of skin,
mucosa and hair for various types of
cancer patients.

NG13 Prevention of chemoradiotherapy-induced alopecia (hair loss)

NG13-1: Prevention of chemoradiotherapy-induced alopecia (hair loss)

Formulation Development

Around 40% of all cancer patients receive chemotherapy, of whom approximately 65% develop hair loss as a result.

In addition, a majority of patients who receive radiation therapy to the head area for cancer treatment develop hair loss at various extend including permenant hair-loss.

Existing “Cold cap” solutions require special equipment and lengthy treatment times, and frequently induce scalp and nerve pain due to hypothemia.

NG13-1 represents a faster-acting, topical pharmaceutical approach with substantial quality of life benefits.

NG13 Prevention of chemo-radiotherapy-induced alopecia (hair loss)

NG13-1: Prevention of chemoradiotherapy-induced alopecia (hair loss)

Formulation Development

Around 40% of all cancer patients receive chemotherapy, of whom approximately 65% develop hair loss as a result.

In addition, a majority of patients who receive radiation therapy to the head area for cancer treatment develop hair loss at various extend including permenant hair-loss.

Existing “Cold cap” solutions require special equipment and lengthy treatment times, and frequently induce scalp and nerve pain due to hypothemia.

NG13-1 represents a faster-acting, topical pharmaceutical approach with substantial quality of life benefits.

NG11 Prevention and Reduction Of Radiation -induced Oral Mucositis (RIOM)

Prevention of radiation- induced dermatitis